Step by Step guide on How To Download files at DragneelHacks.
1. Follow instructions until you reach the download button that lets you download the hack you wish to download here at Worship My Gamehack. Before you can download, make sure that the status is now READY!
NOTE: Sometimes, the status wont change to READY even if you completed all instructions. If you think you had completed all instructions, just click the download button even if the status shows NOT READY! so you wont have to reload the page.
It will redirect you to download page. You have the option to choose to
answer ONE survey. Choose a survey that is offered to your country and the easiest one to unlock.
IMPORTANT: You are required to fill up a quick survey to avoid abusing and misuse of downloaded hacks. Take note that you are not allowed to resell any of it and mind that these hacks are for personal use only. For our private policy, if these hacks were published beyond expectancy and reached DN game developers, sorry but this site will have to close.
3. "Input real infos, this is important." After completing the survey, your download will automatically start.
4.Visit DragneelHacks and feel free to give comments and suggestions about your downloaded hack/cheats.
1. Follow instructions until you reach the download button that lets you download the hack you wish to download here at Worship My Gamehack. Before you can download, make sure that the status is now READY!
NOTE: Sometimes, the status wont change to READY even if you completed all instructions. If you think you had completed all instructions, just click the download button even if the status shows NOT READY! so you wont have to reload the page.
IMPORTANT: You are required to fill up a quick survey to avoid abusing and misuse of downloaded hacks. Take note that you are not allowed to resell any of it and mind that these hacks are for personal use only. For our private policy, if these hacks were published beyond expectancy and reached DN game developers, sorry but this site will have to close.
3. "Input real infos, this is important." After completing the survey, your download will automatically start.
4.Visit DragneelHacks and feel free to give comments and suggestions about your downloaded hack/cheats.
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